III Literary Contest HAIKU

Florentino Martínez winery, in collaboration with the portal www.elrincondelhaiku.org, and with the Embassy of the Japan in Spain, inside the acts to celebrating on the occasion of the year of Japan, there summoned in March the ” III Literary Contest Haiku Florentino Martínez winery ” for the composition of a haiku (poem) in relation with the culture of the wine.

A Haiku is a poetical composition of Japanese origin, which consists of three verses of 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively, without heap. His style is characterized by the naturalness, subtlety and apparent asymmetry from the sensations that ” here and now ” it wakes up in the poet. This one remains attentive to the silent evidences and says to us of what the instants are done the intimate feeling of the things to reveal ourselves, where often our look happens distracted. If to a haiku him are added two more verses 7 syllables, the result gives place to a new composition called tanka. The purpose of this contest is to promote the creativity of the own final consumer of in order that it answers to the winning haiku (form in the label of the wine followed by two lines in white) with a couple of verses that should form his impressions and sensations before the wine, turning the final composition into a tanka.

Entrega Premios Haiku 4 Entrega Premios Haiku 2

After the receipt of all the Haikus and the deliberation of the juror the winners of the contest were:

3º Clasificado: Ana Lilí Rodríguez Balladares (Argentina)

“Sol de la tarde el brillo de las uvas en cada cesto”

2º Clasificado: Juan Manuel Seco Del Cacho (Madrid)

“Un mar de viñas surcando el horizonte dos peregrinos”

1º Clasificado: Miguel Pontaque Rodríguez (Zaragoza)

“Tras la vendimia oreando las cepas el viento solo”

Entrega premios Haiku

Florentino Martínez is grateful for all the participants, members of the juror and mass media for his collaboration.

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